Skate Canada is a very successful national organization and one of the reasons for this is the involvement of volunteers that help to keep things running. Volunteers have been volunteering for over 50 years. There are many types of volunteer positions available and these can range from playing music at a skating club to making policy at the national board level. Each year Skate Canada pays tribute to its volunteers at its annual meeting and awards to those who contributions have been recognized by their peers.
Volunteers are essential to the operation of the North Surrey Skating Club. The combined efforts of all our members ensure the successful facilitation of our events and activities. Hundreds of hours go into running our club and each member and family is expected to volunteer their time.
As a non-profit organization the North Surrey Skating Club is entirely run by volunteers. In order for the club to continue to operate without being forced to raise fees and hire administrative staff, we need parents to contribute their time. Without the help and support of our invaluable volunteers, we would not have a club.
While the club recognizes that everyone has busy lives, it is the overall expectation that each parent or family participate by contributing their required volunteer time with the club in some manner throughout the skating season. A wide variety of volunteering opportunities are available throughout the year. Prior experience is not required.
The success of the club depends on the volunteer efforts of members. Volunteering with the club is a great opportunity to learn about the sport of figure skating, to meet other club members and have a good time while helping out. It is required that every family with skaters registered in Rising Stars, Junior, Intermediate, Senior, Diamond program and open skaters to volunteer.
A volunteer Cheque Bond is required for ALL private and program skaters registering at any time during Fall/Winter, and Spring seasons. This cheque will be returned or destroyed once the required volunteer time has been completed. If a family desires to pay the fee at the time of registration in lieu of the volunteer time requirement, they may select the appropriate Volunteer Opt-Out payment on our website at any time. Your Opt-Out amount is per skater. Families of 2 or more will not exceed the amount specified in the chart. Your registration will not be complete without a completed Volunteer Bond Form
On the volunteer form, NSSC members are to indicate their choice of two options:
1. Volunteer with a Refundable Deposit:
Those who choose the Volunteer bond deposit option must submit a Volunteer Bond Form and a postdated cheque in the specified amount to be paid at the time of registration. The specified hours of volunteering for the club must be completed and documented by June 30, 2024 otherwise the postdated cheque will be cashed.
2. Volunteer Opt-Out Payment:
Those who choose the Volunteer Opt-Out payment option must submit a Volunteer Bond form and an immediately dated cheque payment for the amount of your Skater Development. This cheque will be cashed immediately and the family is not required to perform a minimum number of volunteer hours. You will have the option to add this payment to your registration and pay online. The payment amount is per skater. Family of 2 or more will not exceed the amount specified in the chart.
**Please note: There is no partial option for hours or payment amount; the two choices are fulfilling the specified number of hours of Volunteering OR making the Volunteer Opt-Out payment
Please click on the link below to download our Volunteer Bond Form. Please print, fill out the information and hand in to any of the Board members or email it to volunteerwithnssc@gmail.com on the first day of your program. Thank you
To sign up for Volunteer Opportunities, use the personalized link that our Volunteer Coordinator e-mailed to you when your registration was complete. After registering at Sign-Up.com, you can also log in at the link below.

Some of the Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Music playing
- Test day assistance
- Fundraising assignment
- Canskate session table FAQ
- Help run club sales
- Assisting with Special Events (Christmas & Halloween Skate and Year End Banquet
- Photographer for events
- Simulation day assistance
- Club Bulletin Board
- more TBA from season to season
Got other ideas of how you can help? Let us know!